The state finals competition takes place in Albuquerque each year. Finals consists of four rounds (2 on Friday and 2 on Saturday) among all 16 teams. Every team presents each side at least once.
The results are calculated and trophies are presented to the top three teams, courtroom artists and reporters at an Awards Ceremony following Round 4. Individual awards are also given to students who are selected by a judging panel as an Outstanding Witness or Attorney. In addition, the two students who receive the greatest number of points as an attorney or a witness from the judges during the four rounds will be named the Zamzok Most Outstanding Attorney and Witness; these $500 cash awards are funded annually by Albuquerque attorney Larry Zamzok.
The top team, courtroom artist and courtroom journalist will travel to and compete in the National Competition in May.
A summary of the final results will be posted on the CCV website and copies of the official ballots are emailed to each teacher coach no later than the Monday after the conclusion of the competition.