Attorney – Code of Ethical Conduct & Attorney Coach Agreement To Be Signed by Attorney Coach Participants in the Gene E. Franchini New Mexico High School Mock Trial Competition.
1. Teachers, attorney coaches, students and team supporters are representatives of their respective teams, as well as of New Mexico at any and all mock trial activities (practices, team activities, scrimmages, competitions).
Violations of mock trial rules and expectations of professionalism will be addressed by the Mock Trial Coordinator and may require discipline as the coordinator deems appropriate. Violations of mock trial rules outside of the New Mexico competition, including but not limited to public disparagement of the New Mexico mock trial program, its teams, or other persons will be addressed by the CCV Board of Directors and the Mock Trial Coordinator.
2. Trials will be conducted honestly, fairly and with the utmost civility. Displays of bad sportsmanship are prohibited at any time during Qualifier and/or State Final Competition, including at awards ceremonies.
3. Team members will not violate the Rules of Competition in spirit or in practice. At all times, all team members will focus on accepting both success and defeat with dignity and restraint.
4. Alcohol, drugs and weapons are prohibited, and a zero-tolerance policy applies. The first violation will result in the immediate ejection of the entire team from the Competition.
5. Eating, drinking, smoking and gum chewing are prohibited in the Courthouse.
6. Except during the championship round, team members are not allowed to enter any Courtroom in which their team is not competing.
7. The Mock Trial Competition is designed for those who desire to comport themselves as professionals in and out of the Courtroom. It is expected that at the Courthouse and at awards ceremonies, if any, all team members will respect their surroundings, demonstrate professionalism and respect, use receptacles for trash, and leave restrooms and all other facilities in good order.
All attorney coaches must submit their digital signature agreeing to this code of conduct prior to participating in all Mock Trial activities.
Attorney Coach Agreement
1. I have not been subject to discipline in the past, and I am not the subject of any pending disciplinary action.
2. I understand that as an attorney coach of a high school mock trial team, it is my responsibility to:
a. adhere at all times to the New Mexico Mock Trial Rules;
b. instill in the team members I am coaching the values and ideals expressed in the Lawyer’s Creed of
Professionalism; and,
c. uphold my ethical and professional obligation to represent the legal profession in the best light
3. I understand that by acting as an attorney coach, I am a representative of my team and the New Mexico
Mock Trial Program. The Center for Civic Values may impose sanctions on teams or individuals for:
a. any misconduct occurring while a team is participating in Mock Trial at all levels;
b. flagrant rule violations, and
c. breaches of decorum which affect the conduct of a trial or which impugn the reputation or integrity of any team, school, participant, court officer, judge, or the mock trial program.
These sanctions include, but are not limited to, adjustment of points or standings, disqualification, immediate eviction from the competition events, and forfeiture of all fees and awards (if applicable).
Violations of mock trial rules and expectations of professionalism will be addressed by the Mock Trial Coordinator and may require discipline as the coordinator deems appropriate. See Rule 1.2. of the New Mexico Mock Trial Rules of Competition.
5. Under no circumstances will I solicit, encourage, or engage in an inappropriate personal relationship with
any student participating in the mock trial competition.
Teacher Coach – Civility Statement You may have seen trials portrayed in movies and TV shows in which the lawyers show, or barely conceal, contempt for one another and even towards the judge. This makes for good drama, but real trials are rarely conducted in this manner, and should never be.
The general duty of an attorney is set forth in the New Mexico Rules of Professional Conduct, which are adopted by the Supreme Court of New Mexico and govern the conduct of all New Mexico attorneys. The Rules reads, in part, as follows:
As advocate, a lawyer zealously asserts the client’s position under the rules of the adversary system.
As negotiator, a lawyer seeks a result advantageous to the client but consistent with requirements of honest dealings with others.
As an evaluator, a lawyer acts by examining a client’s legal affairs and reporting about them to the client or to others. A lawyer’s conduct should conform to the requirements of the law, both in professional service to clients and in the lawyer’s business and personal affairs.
A lawyer should use the law’s procedures only for legitimate purposes and not to harass or intimidate others.
A lawyer should demonstrate respect for the legal system and for those who serve it, including judges, other lawyers and public officials.
While it is a lawyer’s duty, when necessary, to challenge the rectitude of official action, it is also a lawyer’s duty to uphold legal process [Preamble].
A lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client; The lawyer’s duty to act with reasonable diligence does not require the use of offensive tactics or preclude the treating of all persons involved in the legal process with courtesy and respect. [Rule 16-103.].
Students who participate as attorneys in the New Mexico High School Mock Trial Program should strive to follow these principles of civility while representing the interests of their clients and can expect the scoring judges to be favorably impressed as a result. The failure to maintain civility can be expected to have a negative impact on the scoring judges.
With the rare exception where a student is portraying a witness who might genuinely require some departure from the high standards of civility set for the legal profession, it will usually be more effective for a witness to respond courteously to the attorneys’ questions, not to interrupt the attorney, and to wait while an attorney interposes an objection to the question just put to the witness. It is never a good idea, no matter how hostile the character being portrayed, for a witness to show disrespect to the court.
As for the attorneys, not only is civility expected, but it can also be surprisingly effective. Being civil does not mean being a push-over. Stridency often distracts from the inherent forcefulness of the argument being made. Cross-examination does not have to be badgering to be thorough and effective to the point where the witness’s testimony is completely discredited; indeed, a badgering tone may only engender sympathy for the witness.
It is expected that advisors, coaches, and parents will, at all times, model civil behavior towards and respect for the court and members and supporters of the opposing team.
I have read the statement and have shared it with my students and other coaches.(Required)
Student – Code of Ethical Conduct To Be Signed by Student Participants in the Gene E. Franchini New Mexico High School Mock Trial Competition.
1. Teachers, attorney coaches, students and team supporters are representatives of their respective teams, as well as of New Mexico at any and all mock trial activities (practices, team activities, scrimmages, competitions). Violations of mock trial rules and expectations of professionalism will be addressed by the Mock Trial Coordinator and may require discipline as the coordinator deems appropriate. Violations of mock trial rules outside of the New Mexico competition, including but not limited to public disparagement of the New Mexico mock trial program, its teams, or other persons will be addressed by the CCV Board of Directors and the Mock Trial Coordinator.
2. Trials will be conducted honestly, fairly and with the utmost civility. Displays of bad sportsmanship are prohibited at any time during Qualifier and/or State Final Competition, including at awards ceremonies.
3. Team members will not violate the Rules of Competition in spirit or in practice. At all times, all team members will focus on accepting both success and defeat with dignity and restraint.
4. Alcohol, drugs and weapons are prohibited, and a zero-tolerance policy applies. The first violation will result in the immediate ejection of the entire team from the Competition.
5. Eating, drinking, smoking and gum chewing are prohibited in the Courthouse.
6. Except during the championship round, team members are not allowed to enter any Courtroom in which their team is not competing.
7. The Mock Trial Competition is designed for those who desire to comport themselves as professionals in and out of the Courtroom. It is expected that at the Courthouse and at awards ceremonies, if any, all team members will respect their surroundings, demonstrate professionalism and respect, use receptacles for trash, and leave restrooms and all other facilities in good order.
All student participants must submit their digital signature agreeing to this code of conduct prior to participating in all Mock Trial activities.
Extension of the Code of Conduct
As a Team Member of my High School, I state that I have read and fully commit myself to the overall purpose and spirit of the Mock Trial Competition. Moreover, I endorse the specific goals of the Mock Trial Competition as set forth in the Code of Conduct and agree not to engage in or condone any of the negative behaviors set forth therein. I execute this Extension of said Code of Conduct as a condition of participation in the Mock Trial Competition and hereby promise to compete with the highest standards of comportment, showing respect for my fellow students, opponents, judges, attorney coaches, teacher coaches, mock trial coordinator and mock trial personnel.
I agree to accept both defeat and success with dignity and restraint. I promise to avoid all tactics that I know are wrong or in violation of the rules. I promise to read the Rules of Competition and ask my team’s teacher coach and attorney coach for any clarifications. I make a commitment to comply with the rules of the competition in spirit and in practice. I will not plagiarize or accept plagiarized material. I will not use telecommunications technology to circumvent the rules or to gain unfair advantage.
I understand that use of telecommunications technology in the courtroom by any Participant seeking to gain advantage for a team subjects that team to the risk of disciplinary action, which could result in an expulsion of the team from the competition or in the lesser penalty of a score reduction.
I understand that I may be photographed, video recorded, or audio recorded as part of my participation in the competition. I agree that I will not disseminate any reproduction of any portion of this competition without the express written consent of each student and the parent/guardian of each, of my team as well as opposing teams, as well as the permission or consent of the student’s own coach, whose images may be captured on film or other telecommunications technology. I will not post any images from this competition on Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site without the permission as set forth above. I will not encourage or permit anyone else to do so and will report the same if it happens.
I further agree that any violation of this rule subjects me to removal from the competition and places my entire team in jeopardy of being severely penalized for my actions.
Teacher Coach – Code of Ethical Conduct To Be Signed by Teacher Coach Participants in the Gene E. Franchini New Mexico High School Mock Trial Competition.
1. Teachers, attorney coaches, students and team supporters are representatives of their respective teams, as well as of New Mexico at any and all mock trial activities (practices, team activities, scrimmages, competitions). Violations of mock trial rules and expectations of professionalism will be addressed by the Mock Trial Coordinator and may require discipline as the coordinator deems appropriate. Violations of mock trial rules outside of the New Mexico competition, including but not limited to public disparagement of the New Mexico mock trial program, its teams, or other persons will be addressed by the CCV Board of Directors and the Mock Trial Coordinator.
2. Trials will be conducted honestly, fairly and with the utmost civility. Displays of bad sportsmanship are prohibited at any time during Qualifier and/or State Final Competition, including at awards ceremonies.
3. Team members will not violate the Rules of Competition in spirit or in practice. At all times, all team members will focus on accepting both success and defeat with dignity and restraint.
4. Alcohol, drugs and weapons are prohibited, and a zero-tolerance policy applies. The first violation will result in the immediate ejection of the entire team from the Competition.
5. Eating, drinking, smoking and gum chewing are prohibited in the Courthouse.
6. Except during the championship round, team members are not allowed to enter any Courtroom in which their team is not competing.
7. The Mock Trial Competition is designed for those who desire to comport themselves as professionals in and out of the Courtroom. It is expected that at the Courthouse and at awards ceremonies, if any, all team members will respect their surroundings, demonstrate professionalism and respect, use receptacles for trash, and leave restrooms and all other facilities in good order.
All teacher coaches must submit their digital signature agreeing to this code of conduct prior to participating in all Mock Trial activities.
Extension of the Code of Conduct
I have read and fully commit myself to the overall purpose and spirit of the Mock Trial Competition. Moreover, I endorse the specific goals of the Mock Trial Competition as set forth in the Code of Conduct and agree not to engage in or condone any of the negative behaviors set forth therein.
I execute this Extension of said Code of Conduct in my role as teacher coach, hereby agreeing to focus attention on the educational value of the Mock Trial Competition.
I agree to act as an adult role model for my students and to discourage willful violations of the rules. I will instruct my students as to proper procedure and decorum and will assist them in understanding and abiding by the competition rules and procedures as well as adhering to the spirit of this Code of Conduct.
By action and by deed, I will teach my students the importance of treating others with respect and courtesy. In my interaction with other teacher coaches, attorney coaches, mock trial judges, mock trial coordinators, other volunteers and mock trial personnel,
I will set an example that my students can follow.
I understand that I have the following responsibilities for which I, alone, am accountable:
1. Training students to fulfill their roles in the mock trial competition. Which includes reading and understanding the Rules of Competition.
2. Circulating the Code of Conduct to all parents and guest-observers in advance of their attending any of the rounds of competition.
I agree that I will not disseminate any reproduction of any portion of this competition without the express written consent of each student and the parent/guardian of each, of my team as well as opposing teams, as well as the permission or consent of the student’s own coach, whose images may be captured on film or other telecommunications technology. 
I will not post any images from this competition on Facebook, Twitter (“X”) or any other social networking site without the permission as set forth above. I will not encourage or permit anyone else to do so and will report the same if it happens.
I further agree that any violation of this rule subjects me to removal from the competition and places my entire team in jeopardy of being severely penalized for my actions.
I agree to act as a role model by carrying out my responsibilities as a teacher, never forgetting that I am representing the educational system in addition to coaching high school students as their mock trial advisor.
Thus, I will zealously encourage fair play and promote conduct and behavior that is in keeping both with proper courtroom decorum and the spirit of the Mock Trial Competition. I will discourage skirting the rules and engaging in obstructionist behavior that interferes with the orderly flow of courtroom procedures. 
I agree to instill the highest standards of the education profession by discouraging a culture of win-at-any-cost and by promoting a spirit of willing compliance with the rules of the competition and the ethical guidelines provided by the Code of Conduct.